Prayer For Forgiveness and Inner Healing – Long Version

Lord Jesus Christ, I ask today to forgive everyone in my life. I know that You will give me the strength to do that. Father, I forgive You for all of the times that I blamed You for things that happened to me. Purify my heart and mind today. I forgive myself for my sins, faults and failings, past and present, and I accept Your forgiveness. I forgive myself for any delving in superstition, ouija boards, horoscopes, fortune telling, lucky charms, or other things that are not of You. I reject all superstition and choose You alone as my Lord and Savior. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit.

I forgive all of my relatives and friends past, present and future: my mother, father, sisters, brothers, cousins, spouse, children, in-laws, grand-parents, aunts, uncles, co-workers, neighbors, professional people such as doctors, nurses, lawyers, judges, politicians, civil servants, clergymen, members of our congregation, members of the prayer group and other church organizations and others who may have interfered with or I thought interfered with my family relationships and my life in general. I forgive those of different religious denominations, races and beliefs who have tried to force their views on me or my family.

I ask You to forgive me for all of the times that I have myself done to others these things for which I now forgive others. I accept Your forgiveness.

Lord Jesus, I especially pray for the grace of forgiveness for the one person in my life who has hurt me the most, and I ask that the person that I have hurt the most forgives me. I ask to forgive anyone I consider my greatest enemy, or the one who is the hardest to forgive, or the one who I said I would never forgive. Thank you Jesus that I am being freed of the evil of unforgiveness. Let Your Holy Spirit fill me with light and let every dark area of my mind be enlightened.

Thank you Jesus for being there before I was even born and setting me free from any negative force that was there at that time. I picture You with me then and at all times that I now describe. Thank You for loving me all the time. Lord, walk back through every second of my entire life and substitute love where there was none. Your love is with me always and always was, even when I thought there was none. Remove every hurt and substitute Your love. We are close. Your are there when I thought you deserted me. Thank you, Jesus, for setting me free and healing me in mind, soul and body. I see You, Lord, taking my hand and walking with me through all of my life. Going to school, when some children were so cruel, when I felt embarrassed, treated harshly by teachers or students or my parents. Thank You for healing all of these hurts and setting me free. I thank You and praise You. Lord Jesus, stand between me and any people with whom I had problems during my life and let Your divine love flow between us. Let forgiveness flow both ways and replace the hard feelings with love. This is for all of the people that we have discussed tonight and all of those who have touched my life and whose life I may have touched, even if I did not know what I was doing at the time.

Lord, take away any feelings of failure or guilt that I may have as a parent, child, spouse, friend, or in any other relationship. I picture You with me at the time that all of these things happened, and You are loving me and the other people. We are all in Your arms together with nothing but love to replace the guilt and feelings of failure. I thank You for healing my emotions, my mind and my memories. Thank You Jesus for making me whole; and I give You all of the praise and all the glory.

In Your name I pray. Amen.

God Is Love

To experience the personal and unconditional love of God. It is strong and stable like a father, but yet tender and unconditional like a mother.

This is the first great truth that is revealed to us today; that we are called to experiment God’s true love. That God loves us personally and unconditionally.

“Do not be afraid, I will save you. I have called you by name, you are mine: Is 43,1

I have always loved you, so I continue to show you my constant love: Jer 31,3

God has chosen this very moment to demonstrate to you just how much he loves you. God’s love for us is so great that we cannot accept that someone is capable of loving us this much. We cannot accept that we are worthy to be loved in a way that is so unconditional and free.

God loves you personally with the love of a Father and a Mother

GOD loves all mankind, but he also loves each and every one of us in a very personal way, depending on our own need to be loved. If you were the only one on earth, GOD could not love you any more then he already does because he loves you with the unconditional love of an Almighty GOD.

God loves us with the firm and stable love of a father

The mountains and hills may crumble, but my love for you will never end ; Is 54,10

The love of God is firm and faithful. It defends us and sustains us with strength and resolve.

He also loves us with an unconditional and tender love of a mother

“Can a mother forget her own baby and not love the child she bore? Even if a mother should forget her child, I will never forget you.” ; Is 49 15-16.

God’s paternal love is tender and unconditional. He loves you because of who you are and not because of what you have or any abilities you may possess. He doesn’t love you because of your social position and status. You are a child of God, made in the image of God.

There is only one thing in this world that God, who is all-powerful and mighty, cannot do: and that is to ever stop loving you.

You do not need to live your life pretending to be something you are not in order for God to love you. God loves you just the way you are because this is exactly how he created you. Not only does he accept you just the way you are but he also likes who you are for you are a fountain of joy to God.

“The lord will take delight in you, and in his love he will give you new life. He will sing and be joyful over you.” Zephaniah 3,17

To each one of us he declares in the most intimate way this great truth: “You are my beloved child in whom I receive great satisfaction.”

God loves you with all your strengths and weaknesses. He does not love you because of your qualities, but with them. He does not stop loving you because of your limitations or sins. He loves you with them. It could be that he does not approve of all that you do, but never the less he still loves you. He accepts you and he accepts you with out judgment or condemnation.

God loves you with your dejection and your efforts, whether you are rich or poor. There is no need to hide behind a mask or wear a halo before him. He loves you because you are his son and for no other reason. He does not love you because you are good but because the good one is he because God is Love. “God is Love” 1Jn 4, 8

  • See the birds in the sky. They do not sow or reap the harvest, yet God gives them nourishment daily. We are worth much more then the birds in the sky.
  • Look at the Lilies in the field. They do not spin nor knit, yet God dresses them with unrivaled beauty. We are more precious then the flowers in the field.

… much more careful will God be with us and love us, that we are his children, even though we may be sinners. He loves sinners in a very special way. The worst of all sinners is the one most loved by God, because “where sin is increased, God’s grace is increased much more.” Rom 5,20. The worst of sinners is the one who can experiment the most forgiveness, joy and hope, because he is the one that needs it the most.

Praise be to God!

Marco Benavides