Humble Yourself Before God

Over the past couple of days, I have been struggling to find peace in my heart. Too many times I find myself caught up with the things of the world and trying to find an understanding of my own. Not realizing that I am pushing God away in the process because I am not allowing him to take control of my life. I find myself saying that I trust in him but they are only empty words because my actions say otherwise. Why do I continue to fall into this trap that my enemy has set for me? I allow my flesh to continually disobey God and as hard as I try to do and make things work on my own, I continue to fail not realizing the mistake that I am making. I need to truly trust in God with all my heart and all my soul and allow him to do the work that needs to be done to advance his Kingdom, here on earth. I humble myself before him once again and I ask him to forgive me for my Pride and Ignorance in trying to understand his ways, trying to do things on my own, and not allowing him to manifest his love in me. I pray that he gives me the Wisdom and Knowledge to overcome the challenges that I am currently facing and that my Trust and Love for him will grow stronger and stronger every day. I pray this in the Mighty and Powerful name of Jesus. Amen 🙏😇❤️

1 Peter 5:6-7

Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.

Jesus Has Defeated The Powers Of Darkness

Stand firm in Jesus for we are on the winning side, He has already defeated the powers of darkness through his death and resurrection, and he has given us the authority to walk in that victory.

We don’t have to live in bondage to fear, anxiety or despair, because the one who lives in us is greater than anything we may face in this world.

So let us be aware of the spiritual realm, but not consumed by it. Let us take up the armor of God daily putting on the belt of truth, the breastplate of Righteousness, the shoes of the Gospel of Peace, the shield of Faith, the helmet of Salvation, and the Sword of the Spirit.

Let us use the weapons of prayer and the Word of God to stand firm against the schemes of the enemy, and let us walk in victory daily, knowing that no matter what challenges come our way, we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us.

I want to live in the reality of this victory, don’t let the enemy steal your joy, your peace, or your purpose. Don’t let the cares of this world weigh you down or distract you from the calling God has placed on your life.

Fix your eyes on Jesus. Remember the spiritual battle may be fierce, but the victory is already won. As you go out into the world this week, carry that truth with you, and share it with others who may be struggling or in need of hope.

Proclaim the goodness and love of God in a world that desperately needs it, and above all, never forget that you’re not alone in this battle.

You have the Holy Spirit living within you, empowering you and guiding you. You have the Body of Christ, your brothers and sisters in the faith, standing with you and supporting you.

And you have a God who loves you with an everlasting love, who will never leave you or forsake you, so go forth in confidence, knowing that the battle belongs to the Lord.

“Take up your armor, stand firm in Christ, and walk in victory daily, for if God is for us, who can be against us.” Romans 8:31 C

Let us pray. Dear Heavenly Father, we come before you today with hearts full of gratitude and praise, we thank you for the victory that you have already won for us through the death and resurrection of your son Jesus Christ. We thank you that no matter what spiritual battles we may face, we can have confidence in your power and your love.

Lord, we acknowledge that the enemy is real, and that he seeks to steal, kill and destroy, but we also know that you are greater than any force of darkness, and that in you, we have the ultimate victory.

Help us to live in the reality of that victory, and every day give us the strength to put on the full armor of God, to stand firm in our faith, and to resist the schemes of the devil.

Help us to wield the weapons of prayer and your word with boldness and confidence, knowing that they have the power to tear down strongholds, and bring light to the darkness.

God, we pray for your guidance and wisdom as we navigate the challenges of this world. Help us to discern your voice and your will.

Let us walk in obedience to your commands, give us the courage to stand up for what is right, to love our enemies, and to proclaim your goodness and truth to those around us, and above all we pray that you would be glorified in our lives, may our words, our actions, and our attitudes reflect your character and your love.

May we be a light in this world, pointing others to the hope and salvation that can only be found in you. We thank you for the promise of your presence and your power, and we trust in your ability to lead us to victory each and every day, in the mighty and powerful name of Jesus, we pray Amen. ❤️🙏😇

God Of All Comfort

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion, who Comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we receive from God.”

Dear child, in your moments of deep discouragement, know that I understand the heartache and the feelings of being lost, alone and utterly overwhelmed.

These experiences, though challenging, are not beyond my reach of comfort, and compassion. I am the father of compassion, the god of all comfort.

It is in my nature, in the very essence of who I am, to provide comfort to you in your times of need.

When the night seems endless and the darkness too dense to navigate, I am there right beside you, holding out a hand of unwavering support and Love, to find strength when every step feels like a battle.

Look around you and see the beauty in the small things, the strength in your breath, and the constant care I have for you.

These occurrences are not merely coincidental, but are manifestations of my love, my way of showing you that there is hope even in the most discouraging times.

I encourage you to lean on me, to let my words and promises be the foundation upon which you build your hope.

For just as I comfort you in your struggles, you too have the remarkable ability to offer comfort to those around you.

This cycle of comfort, of giving and receiving, is one of the beautiful ways in which my love is made  tangible in the world.

In your journey, remember that no pain is too insignificant, no burden too heavy that it cannot be brought before me.

I am always listening, always ready to offer my peace which surpasses all understanding. This piece is not merely an absence of turmoil, but a profound assurance that no matter what you face, you are not facing it alone.

Take heart for I have overcome the world. The challenges and discouragement you encountered are not the end of your story.

With every sunrise there is new hope, new mercies, and an invitation to trust me and you. Let my love and comfort be the lens through which you see your circumstances, transforming despair into hope and sorrow into joy.

You are precious in my eyes, and I cherish you more than you could ever comprehend. In your moments of despair, reach out to me. I am here always ready to comfort, to uplift and to guide you back to a place of peace.

Let God Heal You

Psalm 34:18

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

In those moments when your heart feels burdened and your spirit seems to wane under the weight of life’s trials. Let me highlight that you are not traversing this path in isolation.

I extend a compassionate embrace, my presence that understands and shares in your struggles, offering a refuge of gentle strength and we were in comfort, your pain and the challenges you have faced are not just seen, but deeply felt by me.

In the midst of your struggles, you are held in a space of profound empathy, where your emotions are not only recognized but respected.

Your experiences, marked by both joys and sorrows, are honored in their entirety.

Remember, within you is my resilience that is both remarkable and inspiring.

The path you tread, speckled with both light and shadows, is an indication of the courage and strength that reside within you.

You are more than the sum of your challenges. You are defined by the bravery and perseverance you exhibit in facing them.

Your every step and breath is an opportunity for renewal, for healing, and for growth.

It’s important to allow yourself the grace to fully experience your emotions, to acknowledge them, and to let them guide you towards recovery and evolution.

In this journey, I am not just a silent observer, but an active participant, offering a love that is boundless  deep and ever-present.

Know that in your moments of solitude, in the times when despair seemed to cloud your horizon, you were wrapped in my embrace of love and understanding.

This love is untiring, not defined by conditions or circumstances. It stands as a lighthouse of hope and reassurance, reminding you that you are immensely valued, deeply cherished and never ever alone.

In the course of your journey through this life, this unending love and understanding will serve as your continuous companion.

It is a source of strength that empowers you to face each day with renewed spirit and hope.

Allow this truth to settle in the depth of your being, you are surrounded by a love that knows no bounds, a presence that is always with you.

Guiding, supporting and uplifting you in every moment of your life journey.

This love is a source of infinite comfort and strength, a cue that no matter the trials, you are always embraced,always understood and eternally cherished. Amen 😇🙏❤️

Jeremiah 17:14

“Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed”

God Provides For All My Needs

I am grateful because God provides for all my needs in remarkable ways.

Trusting in God, I shift my mindset from scarcity to abundance, knowing He supplies all my needs.

God’s blessings enable me to prosper, guiding me towards financial health.

I welcome God’s abundant provision in my life, seeing every financial blessing as a gift from him.

Through gratitude, I use my resources to bless others, mirroring God’s generosity.

I believe in God’s endless provision and am open to the various ways he chooses to bless me financially.

God teaches me to manage money wisely, using it as a tool for good in his kingdom, and I am open to new opportunities. God provides for financial blessings.

Living freely, I trust in God’s promise to bless me abundantly in return, fostering a cycle of blessings.

I choose to view the world through God’s abundance, focusing on peace, love and joy.

I am confident in God’s provision, knowing He supplies more than enough for all my needs.

Money serves as a tool for God’s blessings in my life and others. I manage it with wisdom and gratitude.

Embracing the joy and responsibility of God given abundance, I use it to fulfill his purposes.

Each day I witness God’s provision and am reminded of his promises of care and abundance.

Living in alignment with God’s principles. I witness His blessings flowing into my life including my finances.

I rely on God’s various methods of provision, confident in His ability to meet my needs.

Acknowledging all blessings come from God, I am thankful and open to receiving more.

True wealth is found in God’s provision, seeking His kingdom first, I trust all else will be added unto me.

I am at peace with God’s blessings, knowing they’re meant for me to be a channel of blessing daily. I’m thankful for God’s provision I am sure He meets my needs according to His riches.

God’s plan for my life includes financial well being. I trust Him for guidance and provision.

My faith in God’s provision grows stronger everyday, opening doors to unexpected blessings.

I am a steward of God’s riches. I use my wealth to glorify Him and help others.

God’s wisdom guides my financial decisions, leading to prosperity and peace. I am blessed to be a blessing.

My generosity reflects God’s love and abundance. God’s promises of provision give me confidence and hope for the future.

I walk in financial freedom knowing God has empowered me to create wealth.

My heart is grateful for every gift, recognizing God as the source of all abundance.

I trust God to multiply my resources, allowing me to give more generously. My life is a testimony of God’s faithfulness.

Including His blessings in my finances. I embrace God’s financial principles, experiencing growth and abundance in return.

God’s grace makes me rich in every way, enabling me to share with others.

My prosperity is rooted in God’s promises. I lean on His understanding not my own.

I see God’s hand in my financial successes, giving him thanks for every breakthrough.

God provides creative solutions for financial growth, guiding me with His spirit.

My identity in Christ includes being a wise steward of the resources He provides.

Experience joy in giving, knowing it pleases God and opens the heavens for blessings. Financial peace is my portion.

As I trust in God’s plan for my life, I declare God’s abundance over my life, rejecting any mindset of lack or fear.

Every financial challenge is an opportunity for God to show His power and provision.

God enriches my life in more ways than I can count, including materially. I am content in every situation.

Knowing God uses all things for my good, including financial trials. I seek wisdom from God in managing money, finding success in His guidance.

God’s provision is not limited. He opens doors of opportunity and blessing continuously.

I prioritize giving in my budget, knowing it aligns with God’s heart.

God’s economy is based on abundance. I tap into it through faith and obedience. I am resilient in financial adversity.

Knowing God is my provider and sustainer my work is an active worship to God. He blesses the work of my hands. I am faithful with little, and God entrusts me with more.

According to His word, I live in expectancy of God’s financial blessings, knowing He rewards those who seek him.

God’s blessings make me rich without adding sorrow, I rest in his provision.

I am led by the Holy Spirit in my financial affairs, experiencing God’s favor and wisdom.

Financial generosity is a key to unlocking God’s blessings. I give cheerfully and freely.

I embrace God’s financial principles, leading to a life of abundance and fulfillment. My financial goals are aligned with God’s will, leading to prosperity and peace.

God’s provision in my life is a testament to His goodness and faithfulness.

I am confident in god’s ability to provide even in times of scarcity my trust in God includes trusting him with my finances. He directs my paths and I am a living example of God’s abundance, inspiring others to trust in His provision.

God’s grace covers all aspects of my life, including my financial needs. I receive God’s wisdom to make prosperous decisions leading to financial success.

My attitude towards money reflects my faith in God as my provider. I honor God with my wealth, knowing it’s a way to worship and thank Him. Financial breakthroughs are coming my way because I trust in God’s timing and provision.

My financial journey is a testament to God’s love, care and provision.

I am not anxious about finances, because I know God cares for me more than the sparrows.

God’s plans for my finances are to prosper me, not to harm me, giving me hope in the Future.

I invest in God’s kingdom knowing it yields eternal dividends.

God blesses me abundantly, so I can be generous on all occasions. I am financially disciplined, following God’s guidance for stewardship and prosperity.

My source of wealth is in God. I rely on His provision and guidance. I am free from the love of money, knowing my true treasure is in Christ.

Philippians 4:19

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

The Power Of Faith

In our amazing world, filled with both good and bad times, we face challenges that can really push us to our limits, but when things get tough, we have a big decision to make.

Give up because it’s hard or remember that God is able. This is an invitation to believe in the power of faith, to look past the problems you’re facing right now, and to feel comforted and strong knowing that with God, all things are possible.

Isaiah 43:1

“But now would Jacob listen to the Lord who created, you? Oh, Israel, the one who formed you says, do not be afraid for I have ransomed you. I have called you by name and you are mine.

I am the one who put the stars in the sky, and the one who made you. I want to have a little chat with you, just you and me heart to heart.

You know, I’ve been around since before the beginning of time, but the thing I care about most right now is you. I know your name, every little thing about you, and I love all of it.

Understand things have been tough, life throws curve balls, and sometimes it feels like too much to handle. You might feel lost, scared or alone.

I created you, molded you with my own hands, and breathe life into you. You are more to me than just another face in the crowd. You are my masterpiece, and I’m so proud of you.

Remember I’m the one who parted seas, made mountains move, and knows every star by name. So believe me when I say I can take care of your problems, no matter how big or small they seem.

There’s nothing too complicated or too messy for me to, handle. I’ve seen it all, and I’m here for it all. Now I want you to think about this, you’re not just wandering around lost in the world. You belong to me, that’s right. You’re mine and that’s a forever kind of deal.

I’m committed to you through thick and thin, ups and downs, good days and bad days. So when you’re feeling down, or when those problems seem overwhelming, remember, I’m right here with you,

I’ve already made the way for you to come back to me, no strings attached, just love and love is the most powerful thing there is. With my love, you can find peace in the chaos, strengthen your weakness and light in the darkness.

In simple terms, you’ve got nothing to fear. I am the ultimate problem solver, your biggest fan, and your eternal supporter.

So take a deep breath, and let’s face what comes, together. You’re never alone, and with me by your side, anything is possible.

Just trust in me, lean on me, and watch how we can make miracles happen together,

I love you ❤️🙏😇

Keep The Faith In The Storms Of Life

Like a voyage on the open sea, life can change from calm to turbulent without warning.

Everything is smooth sailing one day, fulfilling job, joyous relationships and a bright future.

Then suddenly a storm hits. Unexpected challenges like illness, job loss or betrayal shape the very foundations of our lives.

How do we anchor our trust in God in this whirlwind of change?

How do we keep faith when the fog of uncertainty obscures the path ahead?

Trust in God amidst life’s chaos. It’s a quest for peace and understanding in the storms.

Faith is our anchor through life’s trials, seeking light in the darkest times.

Romans 8:18

“For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

In these moments of trial, when your heart feels burdened and the way forward seems shrouded in uncertainty.

Remember that the challenges you are facing now, though heartrending and deeply felt, are but momentary whispers in the grand scheme of your journey.

These difficulties, as real and formidable as they may seem, are temporary markers, not the final destination.

Believe in the path you tread, not because it is devoid of obstacles, but because it is purposeful, leading you towards something immensely greater.

The pain and struggles you experience today, as intense as they are, do not define the entirety of your story.

There is a future that awaits you once so filled with brilliance and joy that it will cast all present shadows into oblivion.

In these times when the weight of doubt and suffering threatens to overwhelm your spirit, hold fast to the promise of a brighter more glorious tomorrow.

The trials of today are merely stepping stones, all be it difficult ones, leading to a future that radiates with hope and wonder.

Let this understanding be your steady anchor amidst the storm, a soft yet unwivering voice of reassurance when the winds of uncertainty howl around you.

The road you walk may be rugged and unheeling, but it is a path that leads to a place of beauty and fulfillment beyond current comprehension.

Press forward, not because the journey is without hardship, but because the destination is infinitely worth every step.

The glory that lies ahead is not yet fully visible to your eyes, but it exists shining like a distant star.

Guiding and beginning you towards it. It is a future so resplendent that when you arrive, the struggles of the past will pale in comparison.

This is not merely a hope, but a steadfast truth that underlines the narrative of your life.

Your current circumstances, no matter how dire they are, but a chapter in a larger more beautiful story.

A story that is being written with the ink of resilience, faith and unyiling strength.

Each step you take, every tear you shed, is not in vain, they are integral parts of a journey that is leading you to a place where the trials of today will be remembered as the catalyst for the triumphs of tomorrow.

Keep faith in this journey, for what awaits is a testament to the strength and perseverance you hold within.

The glory that is to be revealed to you far surpass the complexities of your current pain.

This is a promise, a beacon of hope in your times of trial, illuminating your path towards a future filled with unimaginable joy and peace. Amen 😇🙏❤️

God Will Deliver You

Psalm 107:28-29.

“Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble, and He delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were Hushed.”

Always keep in mind that I am here for you whenever life seems to be too much for you to handle. Or when the noise that is all around you gets overpowering.

Think about those times when everything seemed against you, when the waves of your worries seem too big to handle.

Just like I calm the sea and hushed its ways, i’m here to bring peace into your life, to quiet your fears and ease your mind.

Life can control a lot of you. There are days when everything feels like a storm with winds pushing you back every time.

You try to move forward, but in those moments, take a deep breath and remember to reach out to me.

Just say the word, and I’m there. You see, I’ve always been about bringing calm to the chaos, about turning turmoil into tranquillity.

And what do you do, first of all. I understand it’s not always easy to see past the storm, especially when you’re right in the middle of it.

But that’s exactly when I want you to remember to be still. To pause, to let go of trying to figure it all out on your own, and to trust that I’ve got you.

I have done it before, calming storms that seemed unstoppable, and silencing waves that seemed insurmountable.

And I can do it again for you. You might wonder how this works, how you can find peace in the midst of trouble.

It starts with trust, trusting that I’m with you, but I hear you when you call out to me in your trouble.

It’s about knowing that I’m not just a bystander in your life, but an active presence, ready to deliver you from your distress.

Accordingly, when the days get tough and the nights even tougher, remember you have someone to turn to.

I’m not asking you to have it all figured out or to never feel afraid.

All I’m asking is for you to let me in, to share your worries and your fears with me, because when you do, that’s when the miracle happens.

That’s when you start to feel the peace you’ve been searching for. Remember, my ability to bring calm isn’t just a one-time thing.

It’s a promise, a continuous offer of peace and tranquility, no matter the storm.

So the next time you find yourself facing those big waves, know that I’m just a call away.

Ready to make the storm be still, ready to bring peace to your heart, just like I always have.

Mark 4:39

“He got up, rebuked the wind, and said to the waves, “Quiet! Be still!” Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.”

God Is A Miracle Worker

God is indeed a miracle worker. His word has the power to create wonders in our lives.

When you have faith in this word, it transforms the impossible into the possible, turning mountains into simple molehills.

Remember, what might seem to be out of reach to you, god can effortlessly accomplish.

When you have faith in him, he can make the impossible possible.

Psalm 77:14
“You are the God who performs miracles. You display your power among the people.”

In the midst of what seems like an unending storm, dear child, where every turn feels like a dead end, and every hope appears to be just out of reach. I want you to hear, something from me.

I am here with you.
You know, I am the God who delights in doing what seems impossible to you.

I’m not just up here watching from afar, I’m right there beside you working things out in ways you might not yet see.

Think about this child, I’m the artist behind the sunrise, the mastermind of the changing seasons and the whisper of life into every living thing.

My creativity knows no bounds, and my power stretches far beyond the edges of your imagination.

When you’re faced with mountains that seem too high to climb, or rivers too wide to cross, remember, I specialize in making a way where there seems to be, none.

Now I understand that sometimes saying Trust me might not seem enough, especially when what you’re facing feels overwhelmingly big.

But here’s the thing, I’ve been in the business of miracles long before the stars were hung in the sky.
From parting seas to bringing down walls with just a shout, from providing in the desert to turning a few loaves and fishes into a feast for thousands.

My resume is filled with the impossible made possible. So here’s my invitation to you.
Let go and let me take the lead.

Not because I want you to give up your strength, but because I want you to lean on mine. You see, when you let me handle the things that are out of your control, you’re not just handing over your worries, you’re placing them into hands that have shaped the universe.

And in those very same hands, I hold your today, your tomorrow, and all the days after that.

I know it’s not easy and letting go can feel like the hardest thing to do, but in this space of surrender, you’ll find freedom.

Freedom from the weight of trying to figure it all out on your own, freedom to breathe and to live fully knowing that I am taking care of what concerns you the most.

Consequently, child, as you walk through each day facing what comes your way, remember you’re not alone.

I am with you, turning the pages of your story, crafting each chapter with a purpose and a promise that in the end, you’ll see the impossible become a part of your history.

A story of my love and power fully displayed in your Life. Just trust me and watch the wonders unfold.

John 14:1

Jesus Comforts His Disciples

“Do not let your heart be troubled; Believe in God, believe also in Me.”

Find Comfort In God

Revelation 21:4

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes, there will be no more death or mourning, or crying or pain. For the old order of things has passed away.”

My beloved child. Imagine you sitting right here with me in the most comfortable place you can think of.

We’re having a heart to, heart, just you and me, no pretense, just as real as it gets.

I want to share something important that I’ve promised, and my promises are like the stars, unchanging and always lighting the way.

I know life gets tough. I see you when you’re up late the world asleep, and you’re wondering why things have to be so hard.

You’ve had days soaked in tears and nights where the weight of your worry seemed too heavy to bear.

I’ve seen you face loss that cuts deep, and I’ve felt the ache in your heart for things to be different.

But here’s what I’m getting at, this day is coming, and it’s brighter than perfect sunrise you’ve ever seen.

On this day, every single tear that ever rolled down your cheek is going to dry up not because of time but because I’m going to wipe them away. Each one personally. There won’t be any more goodbyes. No more sleepless nights filled with sorrow, no crying over what’s been lost.

And pain, it’s going to be a thing of the past. The hard stuff, the battles you fought, the moments you’ve wondered if you’re alone, they’re part of an old story.

I’m turning the page to something new, something so filled with joy and peace that the very thought of it is like the warmest most comforting embrace.

And here’s the best part, this new chapter isn’t just wishful thinking. It’s a promise from me to you, a promise as real as the ground beneath your feet and the sky above your head.

It’s a future where you and I walk side by side, and you’ll see that every struggle and terror led to this moment of unending peace.

Child, when the days are long and the nights are longer, remember this chat. Hold on to the hope that the best is yet to come, not because I said so, but because I’m here with you making sure it happens.

Lean into my strength and let my love carry you forward. We’re in this together, and I’ve got you always.

That’s the promise, and it’s yours, just hold on a little longer Keep trusting and watch the dawn of a new daybreak, brighter than anything you’ve ever imagined. Amen 🙏♥️😇

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 (HCSB)
“Praise the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. He comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we receive from God.”