Let God Heal You

Psalm 34:18

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted. He rescues those whose spirits are crushed.”

In those moments when your heart feels burdened and your spirit seems to wane under the weight of life’s trials. Let me highlight that you are not traversing this path in isolation.

I extend a compassionate embrace, my presence that understands and shares in your struggles, offering a refuge of gentle strength and we were in comfort, your pain and the challenges you have faced are not just seen, but deeply felt by me.

In the midst of your struggles, you are held in a space of profound empathy, where your emotions are not only recognized but respected.

Your experiences, marked by both joys and sorrows, are honored in their entirety.

Remember, within you is my resilience that is both remarkable and inspiring.

The path you tread, speckled with both light and shadows, is an indication of the courage and strength that reside within you.

You are more than the sum of your challenges. You are defined by the bravery and perseverance you exhibit in facing them.

Your every step and breath is an opportunity for renewal, for healing, and for growth.

It’s important to allow yourself the grace to fully experience your emotions, to acknowledge them, and to let them guide you towards recovery and evolution.

In this journey, I am not just a silent observer, but an active participant, offering a love that is boundless  deep and ever-present.

Know that in your moments of solitude, in the times when despair seemed to cloud your horizon, you were wrapped in my embrace of love and understanding.

This love is untiring, not defined by conditions or circumstances. It stands as a lighthouse of hope and reassurance, reminding you that you are immensely valued, deeply cherished and never ever alone.

In the course of your journey through this life, this unending love and understanding will serve as your continuous companion.

It is a source of strength that empowers you to face each day with renewed spirit and hope.

Allow this truth to settle in the depth of your being, you are surrounded by a love that knows no bounds, a presence that is always with you.

Guiding, supporting and uplifting you in every moment of your life journey.

This love is a source of infinite comfort and strength, a cue that no matter the trials, you are always embraced,always understood and eternally cherished. Amen 😇🙏❤️

Jeremiah 17:14

“Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed”