A Lesson On Tough Love

What is “Tough Love”? It is loving someone enough to have the strength do something you know they won’t like but is necessary for their own wellbeing in a difficult situation.

Tough love can serve as a means to set boundaries, provide consequences, and encourage personal accountability. It’s often employed when individuals repeatedly engage in self-destructive behaviors, such as addiction or unhealthy relationships, and more gentle approaches have not been effective.

Jesus said that if someone sins against you, then you’re to confront that person. If he or she listens and repents, you’re to forgive, and the relationship is healed. If there’s no repentance, you must take additional steps of tough love. The purpose isn’t revenge, but redemption.

Tough love is telling you the truth when the truth hurts. It’s when someone had to tell you about yourself and make you think about what you are doing. Tough love comes from someone that loves you and wants you to do better and be better and sometimes that’s having you struggle and work for it on your own.